Get him to like you today
Are you completely head over heels for a guy and you want to know how to get a guy to notice and like you? I do know that feeling when you meet a guy and you want him to fall in love with you forever.
I know you are probably here because you liked a guy so much, and you want to see how you can make him feel the same for you.
He ticked all your checkboxes, probably tall, dark, handsome, speaks well, or even plays a favorite sport you like, shares the same value system, and you just can’t get him out of your head.
You are super impressed and convinced he is the one. You also probably want him right now besides you, but oops, he isn’t there, so you want him to notice and like you.
You want to learn how you can get him to notice and like you, chase you, get him attracted to you, adore you, and most importantly, fall crazily in love with you. But you just don’t know how to go about it. Take a chill pill while I take you on a journey of bliss.
At the end of this article, you will have learned enough about how to get a guy to notice you and like you. If you want him to like you and desire you so badly, you need to get good at applying all these tricks.
Here are tips on how to get a guy to notice and like you
1. Make it clear you are single
Guys are always sceptical about hitting on ladies they aren’t too sure if they are single or not. It is your job to spell it out through your actions and daily activities that you are single and ready to mingle.
Is he on your social network? Do yourself a favor; kindly update your profile to single and nothing confusing like complicated and the likes.
Make it evident to him always. You could change the girl’s hangout venue to places you know he shows up often. While at it, don’t forget to throw hints about events that need a date and you don’t know who to go with.
Let the girls in on the situation, come out clean to them, let them know you like this guy and don’t know how to go about it. Chances are they might bring up better ideas and strategies to get you guys along.
They might help diffuse those awkward situations you might find yourself in. This is to help them know you like the guy and to avoid stories of them liking the guy too.
2. Have your own life
I know it sounds super awkward not trying to pretend, especially when you need to get the attention of the guy you like so badly. You are probably tempted right now to check out all his interests.
Going on an Instagram hunt to get him to notice you. I am super sure you are checking all this info out, so when you finally get the opportunity to talk to him, you can pretend to like all he likes too.
In as much as you are super tempted to pretend to like all his interests so you can get him to like you at any cost, don’t do it; you won’t be able to keep up with the pretense in the long run, and girl, you don’t want to be a pretentious person because guys can also smell deceit from afar.
It has been proven that both genders get attracted to people who seem to have their lives together and have things going on for them. Especially things that make them happy and career wise.
ALSO READ: Signs He Loves You And Do Not Have Eyes For Another
So, changing your plans at the slight opportunity to be with him isn’t a great strategy at all. It shows you are readily available with nothing going on for you.
Knowing you have things going on for you will make him have an interest in you and more. Kindly try as much as possible to do you, get your own life, friends, and money. Have interests, habits, friends, and favorite places, most especially work for your own money.
Easy accessibility can make him get bored quickly. Get busy; let the little moments you spend with him be a memory he won’t forget easily, and he will salivate on it for a while before he sees you again.
When you have your own life, you will naturally be less available. This is great for making him want you a whole more.
3. Be confident
No one notices an unconfident person. A great tip on how to get a guy to notice you is to be confident. This gives you a high chance of getting seen, especially at events he is likely to attend.
Take a task that shows you can speak confidently. And when you probably had the opportunity to talk to him, kindly try not to be nervous because you probably will be. Maintain a calm, vibrant tone that shows you are cool and confident while probably flipping inside.
4. Go and introduce yourself
Don’t wait around forever for him to walk up to you and introduce himself. After doing all these above and he still won’t notice you, there is no harm in walking up to him and introducing yourself and being friends with him.
There are loads of benefits to being friends with a guy you like. You get to know him and vice versa without those awkward moments of being in a relationship.
While at the friendship stage, ensure you are actively involved in his life. Get him to talk about his passions and those he likes to spend time with. Share your precious moments too with him.
Ensure you genuinely show him care by making time for the crucial moments in his life. Send a Goodluck message on a big day presentation at work to him. This act can be a way to get a guy to notice and grow interest in you.
5. Work on looking more attractive
In trying to get the attention of the guy you like, work on dressing your best and using pheromones perfumes. Guys tend to notice things more easily when they look attractive and smell good.
Have a conversation with him after you work on that, and most importantly, hug him with your pheromones smell and he won’t stop thinking about you.
Men are visual creators. They are attracted by what they see and perceive. If it looks good and smells nice too, they crave for it, so if you want a guy to drool over you, step your dressing and fragrance game up.
6. Be fun to be with
A guy can smell boredom from afar. Learn to be fun to be with and read about current happenings in sports and in the news.
Get to know more things he likes and shows interest in and don’t be that annoying person with same day routine talks or one-word replies on chats.
No one wants to hang around a boring person. To get a guy to like you, work on your sense of humor. Talk to him about these things you read and keep a conversation according to his response.
So next time you like a guy, ask yourself, am I fun? Do I know enough to hold a conversation?
7. Body contact and flirting
Let me share a sure hack on how to get a guy to notice you. Do more body contact; this is a sure tip to get him to notice you. This hack, most times, goes hand in hand with flirting.
Work on breaking the skin to skin barriers and get to touch him. This has been proven to be a great way to awaken his desire and get him romantically thinking about you.
Touching him will send the message that you are comfortable around him and probably want him around more often.
8. Be vocal on intimate topics
Learn the nitty-gritty of how to be exceptionally good at using some intimate topics. This hack sure works wonders. Intimate topics and having a clear view of how to apply them are key to getting a guy to like you.
Read up on mind-blowing intimacy topics and get him to like you over text chats and master some dirty pick-up lines, sensual massages, etc; all these will create sexual tension and turn him on and hooked forever.